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Potential Conflict of Interest Disclosures

Links below, provide summaries, graphs, articles, data, and programs:

Working Papers


Older Research

  • Slides from summer institute for "Inequality in Expenditure in the Twentieth Century," with A. Vissing Jorgensen and Nicolas L. Ziebarth, July 2009.
  • "The Response of Consumer Spending to Rebates During an Expansion: Evidence from the 2003 Child Tax Credit,” with D. Johnson and N. Souleles, April 2009.
  • "The Consumption Function Re-Estimated," August 1999.
  • "An Economic Model of the Planning Fallacy," with M. K. Brunnermeier and F. Papakonstantinou,  NBER WP 14228, August 2008.
  • "The Propagation of Demand Cycles When Purchases are Timed," November, 2001 (formerly "The Timing of Purchases, Market Power, and Economic Fluctuations"). Paper was formerly "The Timing of Purchases, Market Power, and Economic Fluctuations," SSRI Working paper 9723 at the SSRI at Wisconsin.
  • Jonathan A. Parker

    Robert C. Merton (1970) Professor of Financial Economics

    Professor, Finance

    MIT Sloan School of Management

    100 Main Street

    Cambridge, MA 02142

    Office Number E62-620
    Phone Number (617) 253-7218

    Support Staff

    Laura Quintiliani

    (617) 253-5858
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