John R. Hauser
John R. Hauser
Featured Research
"Can Large Language Models Extract Customer Needs as well as Professional Analysts?" Timoshenko, Artem, Chengfeng Mao, and John R. Hauser, MIT Sloan Working Paper 7233-25. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, February 2025.
"Supply Side Considerations When Using Conjoint Analysis in Litigation," Befurt, Rene, Felix Eggers, and John R. Hauser (2024), Handbook of Marketing Analytics: Methods and Applications in Marketing, Public Policy, and Litigation (Edward Elgar), Natalie Mizik and Dominique Hanssens, Eds. Download Paper.
"From Click to Purchase to Return: Website Browsing and Product Returns," Ibragimov, Marat, Siham El Kihal, and John R. Hauser (2024), (Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management). Download Paper.
"Product Aesthetic Design: A Machine Learning Augmentation," Burnap, Alex, John R. Hauser, and Artem Timoshenko (2023), Marketing Science, 42(6):1029-1056.
"Leveraging the Power of Images in Predicting Product Return Rates," Dzyabura, Daria, Siham El Kihal, John R. Hauser, and Marat Ibragimov (2023), Marketing Science 42(6):1125-1142.
"Real-time Adaptive Randomization of Clinical Trials," Liberali, Gui, Eric Boersma, Hester Lingsma, Jasper Brugts, Diederik Dippel, Jan Tijssen, and John R. Hauser (2025), Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, Vol. 178: 111612. Download Paper. Appendix. Visual Summary.
"Identifying Customer Needs from User Generated Content." Timoshenko, Artem and John R. Hauser. Marketing Science Vol. 38, No. 1 (2019): 1-20. Download Paper.
Research Interests
- Machine-learning/artificial-intelligence applications
- aesthetics in product design
- customer needs from UGC
- context-dependent customer needs
- formulate customer needs using LLMs
- recommendation systems based on preference learning
- the identification of new design gaps
- Consumer decision measurement: conjoint analysis, non-compensatory methods, adaptive methods, machine-learning methods, incentive alignment and realism of stimuli
- Supply side in conjoint analysis
- Product forecasting: information acceleration, really-new products
- Consumer behavior: cognitive simplicity in decision making and in dynamic models, theory-based models, vivid stimuli.
- Morphing: website, banner, product assortment.
- Voice of the customer methods, defensive and competitive strategy, new product development, experimental and quasi-experimental methods.
- Multi-arm bandits to save lives in medical tests
Teaching Interests
- Listening to the Customer
- Research Methodology
- Machine-learning/artificial-intelligence applications
- New Product and Service Development
- Marketing Research and experimentation
More About John
Applied Marketing Science, Inc.
John R. Hauser is a co-founder and former board member of Applied Marketing Sciences, Inc.
Hyper Morphing Technologies
John R. Hauser is a co-founder and serves on the board of Hyper Morphing Technologies, Inc.