Joseph Doyle
Joseph Doyle
Joseph's publicationsFeatured Research
"Mean Reversion in Randomized Controlled Trials: Implications for Program Targeting and Heterogeneous Treatment Effects."
Alsan, Marcella, John Cawley, Joseph J. Doyle, and Nicholas Skelley. American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings. Forthcoming."Physician Group Influences on Treatment Intensity and Health: Evidence from Physician Switchers."
Doyle, Joseph J. and Becky Staiger. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Forthcoming. NBER Working Paper 29613."Unwarranted Disparity in High-Stakes Decisions: Race Measurement and Policy Responses."
Baron, Jason E., Joseph J. Doyle, Natalia Emanuel, Peter Hull, and Joseph Ryan. In Race, Ethnicity, and Economic Statistics for the 21st Century, edited by Lawrence F. Katz, Mark Loewenstein, and Randall Akee, University of Chicago Press, Forthcoming.More About Joseph
The MIT Sloan Initiative for Health Systems Innovation
Joseph is the faculty director of the MIT Sloan Initiative for Health Systems Innovation (HSI).
The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
Joseph is the co-chair of The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL).
Applied Economics Group at MIT Sloan
Joseph is a faculty member in the Applied Economics group at MIT Sloan.